Tuesday, 5 March 2013

HTML 5 | Notes

Inline elements - Form a line next to each other
Block - Take up the full browser width, however wide it is. Elements won't sit next to each other.

Css Zen Garden

Selector (Body) - Property (Line - Height) - Value (2px)

Colon separates the property from the value. A semi colon is used after the value

Attributes can be added to opening tags. Such as, and "id" or ".class". "id" is unique, as only one can ever be used on a page, but a ".class" can be used multiple times. "id" is far more powerful than a class, and will always outweigh it.

Margine rule when applying 4 different rules:
1st value  = top
2nd value = right
3rd value = bottom
4th value = left

If you put in a single value top and bottom will be effected. Auto tag can be used to make a website sit in the middle of page.

HTML= Structure/ content
CSS= Style

Sudo class e.g hover. Sudo classes only work when there is an interaction.

Image transition over time:
-webkit-transition: all 2s ease-in-out;

Drop down box: Unordered list.
2 CSS rules needed:



This allows for the div to stay invisible until the div is hovered over.

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