Monday 30 September 2013

A New Year: FDA Year 2 |

|'ve now started my second year of my foundation degree. Our new brief was issued this morning and it entails us making a 20-30 second animation about activities that will reduce Co2 emissions. Here's a brief overview of this module:

"This module gives an introduction to animation practice by looking at existing commercial uses of animation, identifying underlying principles universal to all animation types and exploring specific animation techniques."

  • The General Message
  • Food
  • Transport
  • Consumption/Lifestyle

Our animation needs to be positive and encouraging. It should inspire others to act in a positive manor towards the environment. Whether that's through cycling instead of driving or being careful with non-recylable product consumption.

So far I'm keen on producing an animation geared towards one of the options below:
  • Food Transportation
  • Transport
Food transportation could be an interesting one to promote i think. It would have to address supporting locally sourced food, instead of ones that have come 1000's of miles over the world to arrive at their door. I'd like to find something that's different from my class mates, and I'm hoping that this will be. 

Here's an example of an art style I really like. Its simple and effective, utilising basic geometric shape.  

I'd like to also use stop motion in a small segment of my animation. I don't think that with the time constraint I've got I can achieve 20 seconds solid of stop motion, but to get in a few seconds in would be great.